Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Totally- disappointed
Why? Because my friends Franky and Sean or Shawn..[idk how to spell his name].. got..expelled! -_-
Why did they get expelled? Oh, let's see... They got caught with drugs...or shall I say, 100 dime size drug bags, weights and scales, and a lighter. But the bags had some residue...NOT SMART!
Why bring them to school?! To sell them? Most likely, but it's friggin STUPID!!! Urrggh! Franky is... I mean was a good kid. Now I have no more asian crew at lunch..bsides Melissa. But when Melissa wasn't there I hung out with them!! Bah. That's why I am TOTALLY freaking against drugs...and smoking...and all that other crap out there. I've heard that Sean* is in JDC? Well, not sure about that yet because he might get a lawyer, it was his first offense..but twas a felony. -_- baka baka baka!! But, whatever, you learn to move on...Hopefully I will get to see them within this year. I used to see Franky every weekend at Melissa n Abril's. Bleh...He doesn't usually go over there anymore. But, what can ya do. Btw- I am totally going to kill Joey now that I learned that he used to sell. Freakin baka!!! day was good..bsides the fact that I have to gooo right in..go..not leave.
no bathroom break for me. lunch is almost here. in like 20 minutes. well, then..i'm out. bye


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