Thursday, January 27, 2005

ehh. the week has been going so slow. i hate it! anyways...i've done a few things since my last post..
i went over to mi amigo mike's house... i missed his b-day party so i just went over to his house. ate dinner there. i hate eating dinner with other families.. but i managed.. and we just hung out. do i talk too much? how much is too much? ay naku x_x. oh well.. people will just have to deal with me. i can be quiet if i want to.. ya know? i'm quiet a lot. -------------silence is golden. pshh.moving along...
went over to melissa and april's unexpectedly. i usually go there every other wednesday for rcit. but yeah. i hung out with john a little since mel n ape were taking like 2 hr naps. april helped me with math. i watched their home videos. i watched some videos from like phil fest 2000 and melissa's 12th b-day which was most likely in 1999. it was so funny. the whole circle was in it. and we were all so small and funky and weird. i loved my childhood. well err. like 3/4 of it. my mom was in the video. it was weird seeing her again.. i haven't seen a video of her in it..ever. it was sad. i miss her so much. i forget how she looked like in person. -_-. but now i kind of know. ::sigh:: well. yeah. that's what i did wednesday.......

i'm still freaking sick. i'm one of those people who cough in class all the time.. and always has to blow their nose. -_- i hate being sick. but i'm used to it. i love being healthy tho. my frickin sleeping habits prevent me from getting any better. i can't change them though. sucks. well. that's all folks. --so lame. but lol. i wanted to say it. bye! *kristin*


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