Monday, May 16, 2005

weekend post:
((wow i haven't done one of these in a long time...))
a'right. well here's how it went down..
friday: went to howard park beach with relly.. sat on the rocks the whole time + talked. played with starfish =) then kaysie came and we hung out, then we surprisingly got to sleep over at her house, we had a lot of fun. i'm gonna miss them this summer...
saturday: woke up, went to kaysie's sibling's soccer game.. eh. she coaches, which is c0oL tho.
then after i went to citrus park mall to hang out with josh<3, abril, the v-boys, steph+rj. twas fun.. we watched the moovie 'monster-in-law' which.. as a matter of fact.. i enjoyed. it wasnt total wps because jLo is latina.. not white. gosh.. then after.. went back to


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